I Can Haz Water
Well, I'm am so thrilled to find all of the wonderful Web 2.0 widgets, gadgets, and apps on the web. Who would have ever thought that we can have so much fun creating our own presence, and then share it with everyone.
I first heard about Web 2.0 in March 2008 when I saw the bookmarks for del.icio.us on a co-workers Internet Explorer page. I quickly learned how to add that to my page as well. I realized what a boon web-based bookmarks were over browser-based, and since I use three different PCs in the course of my day, a bookmarking site is very helpful. Those bookmarks are always there.
I also learned the value of a web-based calendar for the same reason. Plus, my wife's schedule can be added to mine, or mine added to hers via the same host. Since I'm a Mac user, I use iCal at home and .ics calendar files to share with others. I found a free calendar hosting site (www.icalx.com) on the web, and then tried Mozilla's Sunbird open source calendar app. Sunbird work's pretty well, but the program has to be installed on each client computer. Someone told me about Google calendars, which can import .ics files. So, I set up an account and formated my calendars. Now, just like my del.icio.us bookmarks I can take my Google calendar everywhere I go.
OK, now for the Technology R'nt Us phase: I noticed a Ligit widget on a friends blog and wanted to add it to mine .You'll see that I have it entered as a blog post. Not where it should be, but I can't figure out how to embed it in the page's html. Likewise, the cool speaking avatar I made on Voki. So, maybe some savvy geek out there can help me learn a little more code so that I can spruce up my blog.
Anyway, I am enjoying this O! What a Geek class, and we are having fun at work talking about our projects. Great idea! Thanks!
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