Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thing #23 - O! What a Geek wrap up

Well, a planned nine weeks curriculum stretched out a little bit to provide fun and web 2.0 learning. I enjoyed the process very much and gained some valuable skills along the way. I had never tried editing wikis before, and that was probably the area where I learned the most. Many of the "things" I had already discovered as a part of getting up to date with all the new web 2.0 applications. Among these were: twitter, facebook, youtube, podcasts, and library thing. Perhaps the most important learning for me was about portability using google docs and google calendar. I use these applications daily on a variety of computers. So, I can say that the program was a success and I'm glad that I took part.


Deirdre said...

Congratulations on finishing, and on the birth of your second grandchild. Nice to see that you're still blogging!

It seems like you got a lot of out the program -- I hope you keep on learning and exploring. And putting forth your ideas to keep OPL changing.


Deirdre said...

Sorry, 6th grandchild!