Tuesday, August 16, 2011

CPD23 - Thing #9 - Evernote

Shortly after I purchased my iPad I browsed through the AppStore for productivity apps to add to the functionality of my new tablet. I had heard about Evernote, but had never investigated it. For several years I had transferred files between my various computers, or insured that I had universal access, first through Google Docs, and then through DropBox. It was really cool to have a desktop app that would automatically sync files among my various devices and workstations.

I took a look at Evernote and liked how I could set up "notebooks" for various clippings, files, and media. I liked the way Evernote displayed the files, especially web clippings and photos. So, I added Evernote to my iPad, iPhone and multiple desktops. Now, I use it more than DropBox, except for Microsoft Office files that are not compatible with the free Evernote app.

I like the web clipping feature of Evernote and frequently clip articles and web graphics to my various notebooks. It's quick and convenient, and I like it better than Instapaper. I'm still pretty new to Evernote, but it looks like a winner to me.

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